Esra Jackson (BA Performance & Creative Enterprise)

Key details:

Drama (BA Performance & Creative Enterprise)
Esra Jackson
Photo by Ali Wright


Multidisciplinary Artist

How would you describe your practice?

I am a multidisciplinary artist who mainly focuses on my singing, dancing and acting practices. I am currently focusing on building my own TV/Film production company.

Is there one stand-out project that has shaped your development?

The project that I’ve gained the most insight from has to be The Residency project, as it allowed me to analyse myself as an artist and the processes that I’d go through to create my work. From that, I found what works best for me when creating alone and with others. Go with the process, don’t fight against it. This is something that I will go on to use in the future outside of PACE.

How has the PACE programme shaped you for the Arts industry?

PACE has taught me how important it is to create my own opportunities and not just to rely on what has been given to you. You can make art out of anything as long as you dedicate time and effort to it.

Listen to 'Date Night' by Esra Jackson