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Wind, Brass & Percussion Auditions
Application deadlines
Wednesday 2 October 2024: BMus, MMus/MPerf and Advanced Certificate.
Wednesday 28 February 2025: Artist Diploma only.
Those applying for an overseas audition, should refer to the Music Auditions Overseas webpage for information about application deadlines.

Wind, Brass & Percussion Auditions
We encourage you to attend a live audition where possible, as this offers candidates the opportunity to engage in live music-making, to meet key departmental staff, and to experience our vibrant school environment.
If you are based overseas and elect to submit a recorded audition, the deadline to upload your audition video(s) is Friday 25 October 2024. Details about how to upload your recording(s) will follow after the application deadline.
Please present the following:
1. Music chosen from the list of set pieces (link below)
2. A contrasting piece of your own choice which highlights your technical skills and musical personality
Please note that one of your pieces must be accompanied. A pianist will be provided for London auditions, and there will be a short warm-up before your audition.
The audition will also comprise:
3. Sight-reading
4. Working on one of the audition pieces with a member of the panel.
5. An interview with a senior member of WBP staff
Additional item: for BMus percussionists only: you will take part in a percussion ensemble workshop, including some West African drumming. No preparation or prior knowledge is required.
Please present video recording(s) of the following. We encourage you to play one piece with accompaniment if possible:
1. Music chosen from the list of set pieces (link below)
2. A contrasting piece of your own choice which highlights your technical skills and musical personality
In addition, candidates will:
3. Be invited to an online, live audition (e.g via online conferencing) with the audition panel. The audition usually comprises:
- Working on or revisiting one or more of the pieces presented in your recorded audition video
- An interview with a senior member of WBP staff
MMus and MPerf - Orchestral Artistry and Advanced Instrumental Studies
Please present the following:
1. The set piece for your instrument (link below)
2. One contrasting piece of your own choice: a piece that, together with the set music, shows your technical skills and musical personality.
3. Orchestral excerpts as specified (link below)
The audition will also comprise:
4. Sight-reading
5. Candidates may be invited to an interview with a senior member of WBP staff
Please note: one of the pieces played must be accompanied. A pianist will be provided for London auditions, and there will be warm-up time before your audition.
Please present video recording(s) of the following. We encourage you to play one piece with accompaniment if possible
1. The set piece for your instrument (link below)
2. One contrasting piece of your own choice: a piece that, together with the set music, shows your technical skills and musical personality.
3. Orchestral excerpts as specified (link below)
If you are successful in your video audition, you will be called for a live, online session with the panel as described below.
Online audition (by invitation only)
You will be invited for an online session (via Zoom) with the audition panel. This will comprise:
4. Working on one of your audition pieces and/or orchestral excerpts with a member of the panel, playing unaccompanied. You do not need to have an accompanist or backing track for this part of your audition
5. An interview with a senior member of WBP staff
Artist Diploma
Live Auditions
Please prepare a minimum of three contrasting pieces of solo repertoire, lasting between 25 and 40 minutes in total duration. The panel may not hear all pieces in their entirety. An accompanist is provided for London auditions only.
Recorded auditions
Please submit a pre-recorded video audition of three contrasting pieces of solo repertoire, lasting between 25 and 40 minutes in total duration.
We encourage you to play at least one piece with accompaniment.
Applicants who are successful in the initial audition round will be required to submit the below (you will be contacted following your audition):
- an up-to-date artistic CV
- a recent recording (made within the last year).
These items will be reviewed by the Artist Diploma Panel as part of the second round of consideration.
Advanced Certificate
Audition requirements are the same as those for the MMus and MPerf programmes.