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Electronic & Produced Music Auditions
Application deadline: Monday 6 January 2025
Undergraduate and Postgraduate requirements
Applications are welcomed until Monday 6 January 2025. Please note that the assessment process will commence in January 2025.
Undergraduate and Postgraduate requirements
Application and assessment process
- Make an online application via our application portal by Monday 6 January 2025.
- Send us a portfolio of work by no later than 13 January 2025. Please check the ‘portfolio’ information given below.
- If you are successful at portfolio review stage, you will be sent a creative task, which must be completed and returned one week prior to your interview. Please read through the ‘creative exercise’ section below for more information.
- Interviews will take place remotely in spring 2025 (online). Please check the interview information below.
This is your main opportunity to showcase your experience, ability and potential. There is no prescribed format for the portfolio - you may present your work in the manner that feels most appropriate.
Your portfolio should contain:
- a résumé/CV, EPK, or other document, which details your experience in Electronic & Produced Music to date
- Between 5 and 10 minutes of media examples of this experience
- a portfolio commentary (as described below)
Quality, creativity and diversity are more important than length, so please submit a small, varied selection of your best work, no longer that 10 minutes, although you are welcome to include links to additional material if you wish.
We strongly encourage you to provide a portfolio commentary. This does not have to provide large amounts of detail, but it should help the panel understand the pieces’ context and/or your creative processes.
Examples might include:
- If pieces of work were made to satisfy a specific brief, please include details of the brief and how your work responds to it.
- If your work forms part of a collaboration, you should explain the nature of the project and how your piece fits within the larger work. However, you must only submit your own work.
- If some work represents your main artistic focus, while other pieces are included to show your range but are less representative of your current practice, please explain this.
- If your work was generated over a wide date range, please make the panel aware of this (Note: the majority of your portfolio should be recent work)
Portfolios should be submitted via a Dropbox link which will be provided to you by email shortly after 6 January 2025. Portfolios must be received by no later than 13 January 2025. All portfolios will be reviewed following this deadline.
If you satisfy the panel with your initial portfolio submission, you will be invited to the next stages of assessment as detailed below. Some applicants will not progress to the creative task/interview stages of the process and will be notified accordingly.
Two weeks before the interview, you will be sent details of a short creative exercise to be completed on electronic instruments/equipment of your own choice. These details will specify the production of a piece of music of approximately two minutes in length and should take no longer than three hours to complete.
You will be instructed to upload your completed exercise to Dropbox one week before the date of your interview, i.e. you will have one week to complete the exercise. Instructions about how to submit the exercise will be included in the creative task document.
Interviews will be held in spring 2025 (usually March), online. At the interview, you will be required to:
- discuss your musical and production work to date
- answer questions about the results of your creative exercise
- discuss future aspirations
Outcomes will be issued once all candidates have been interviewed. As interviews often span several weeks, candidates should expect results to arrive up to 6 weeks after interview. We aim to issue outcomes as soon as possible and thank you for your patience.