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Fees and Funding
Guildhall School is committed to ensuring that the cost of tuition should not deter you from applying. Find out more about the fees and funding options available.
This page offers information and guidance for applicants and current students at Guildhall. If you have any queries please do email the Senior Student Funding Officer or any of the contacts listed below.
*please note that the figures below are subject to change
Fee Status and Fee Assessment
Guildhall School is a publicly funded educational institution and must charge two levels of fee: the lower 'home' fee and the higher 'overseas' fee. Students pay the 'home' or 'overseas' fee depending on whether they meet certain criteria as set out by Government fee regulations. Students at the Guildhall School are studying at higher education (HE) level in England, so must meet different criteria than students studying in Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland, and students studying a course at further education (FE) level.
Undergraduate Home Students
For students who will be classified as a Home fee payer according to the UK Council for International Student Affairs - please see the linked UKCISA guidance
Undergraduate International Students
For students who will be paying Overseas tuition fees.
Postgraduate Home Students
For students who will be classified as a Home fee payer according to the UK Council for International Student Affairs’ (UKCISA) guidance.
Postgraduate International Students
For students from outside the UK who come to study at institutions within the UK.
EU Students
For students who are citizens of the EU, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland. If you are settled under the EU settlement scheme or have been granted indefinite leave to remain for other reasons.
Students from the Republic of Ireland
US and North American Students
Students who are US or North American citizens can apply for Federal loans from their governing body. Links to these can be found below.
Support and Resources
There is support available to students at Guildhall from a range of sources at Guildhall and outside - the list below is contains some resources that students have used in the past.
Please do email studentfundingofficer@gsmd.ac.uk if you have any suggestions.
Postgraduate Research
This guidance relates to students undertaking Postgraduate Research Degrees.
Currently Students can get up to
- £28,673 if your course starts on or after 1 August 2023
- £27,892 if your course started between 1 August 2022 and 31 July 2023
- £27,265 if your course started between 1 August 2021 and 31 July 2022
The amount you get does not depend on your household income.
For further information please visit the government website
Privacy of student records
Programme Costs
What if I am being sponsored?
On occasion students are sponsored by a private organisation who have agreed to their fees.