Guildhall De-Centre


Guildhall De-Centre

for Socially-Engaged Practice and Research


Guildhall De-Centre for Socially Engaged Practice and Research is an initiative that builds on the work of the former Institute for Social Impact Research in the Performing Arts. It brings together a community of researchers, practitioners, producers, teachers and administrators. Through supporting lines of enquiry, internal facing activities, emergent partnerships, and public events we aim to explore, document, and embed de-centred, socially engaged, equitable, sustainable and transdisciplinary practices across the School. We aim to support socially engaged, equitable, sustainable and transdisciplinary practices across the conservatoire and beyond in order to create more interplay, sharing and visibility for socially engaged work. 

Who we are

The De-Centre is currently run by a collective of Guildhall School staff. We meet monthly to reflect together and make decisions. Sophie Hope keeps things running along with significant input and support from Sean Gregory, Rob Severyn, Maia Mackney and Jo Chard.  

Beatrice Baumgartner-Cohen is a live illustrator and postgraduate researcher at Guildhall School. As our inaugural artist in residence, Guildhall De-Centre is a case-study for Beatrice’s doctoral research: The Secret Lives of Meeting Room 1 - Doing Visual Ethnography by drawing life/live at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama. Beatrice has been documenting the steering group meetings and decision-making process of developing the De-Centre through her illustrated graphics (example above).

The current steering group have shaped and supported the development of the De-Centre. Members include: 

Beatrice Baumgartner-Cohen Nell Catchpole Jo Chard
Sean Gregory Sig Griffiths Sophie Hope
Maia Mackney Emily Orley Gilly Roche
Rob Severyn Nazli Tabatabai-Khatambakhsh Toby Young

Lines of enquiry

A key part of the work of the De-Centre is to build, develop and sustain a community of socially engaged teachers, researchers, administrators and practitioners across the School.  

Lines of Enquiries are current and emerging practice and research projects in the School that connect to the De-Centre's aims and ambitions around socially engaged work and infrastructure. 

We are developing a directory of Lines of Enquiry being explored by staff and doctoral students at Guildhall School as part of their work or study here, or as part of their independent practice that feeds into their roles in the School. 


If you are a member of staff or doctoral researcher at Guildhall School and have a socially engaged line of enquiry you would like to be part of the De-Centre, please do get in touch: 

Staff leading Lines of Enquiry have the option of: 

  • Connecting with others who are exploring similar lines of enquiry with the potential to collaborate, develop ideas, give peer-to-peer support (e.g. visiting/reading/watching each other’s projects, providing skills and expertise to one and other). 
  • Presenting their work in progress for feedback and development. 
  • Showcasing their project profile and links on the De-Centre website. 
  • Contributing to a Guildhall De-Centre annual publication/reader. 

How do i get involved

How do i get involved