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Junior Guildhall Drama Course
Junior Guildhall's Drama Course offers advanced training for children and young people between the ages of 13 and 18.

Key information:
- Age:
- 13–18
- Art form:
- Drama
- Deadline:
- 1 March 2025 for September 2025 entry
- Level of study:
- Short Courses & Summer Schools, Workshops & Saturday Centres (under 18)
- Mode of study:
- In-person
- Contact details:
- junior@gsmd.ac.uk
About the Drama Course
The ethos of the Drama Course is to stimulate the imagination and develop essential skills necessary for a young actor through text work, improvisation and drama games. Open to students between the ages of 13 and 18, the Drama Course provides a platform for talented young people to develop key expressive and communication skills within outstanding facilities, under the tutorage of highly-experienced drama staff.
There are three stepped classes. Find out more about these below.
(9.30am – 11.00)
Entry is by audition. Training is skills-based, with an equal emphasis on solo and ensemble work.
(9am – 1pm)
Entry is by audition for new students, or by recommendation for students currently in the Single Class.
The Double Class encourages a mature, in-depth approach to the work, with an emphasis on the Method Technique and Classical Theatre. A combination of ensemble and solo work allows students to develop physical, vocal, critical and interpretative skills and explore their creative and expressive capabilities.
(2pm – 4pm)
Entry is by audition for new students, or by recommendation for students currently in the Double Class.
Aimed principally at students in Years 11, 12 & 13 to focus on skills and materials specifically required for auditions for Higher Education drama departments (conservatoire and/or drama school).
- We offer three classes based on age and experience undertaken over 33 Saturdays each year.
- Generally, one term a year is committed specifically to physical theatre work.
- The Double Class complements a student’s GCSE and A-level Drama studies.
- The tutors are available to discuss a student’s progress, or to offer guidance regarding approaches to auditions.
- Students work with resident tutors on a regular basis with visits from composers, playwrights, choreographers and actors taking place by invitation.
- Opportunities for music and drama collaboration. Previous performances have included Masada, Romeo & Juliet and Swan Lake.
These notes are taken from the Agreement parents sign when accepting a Junior Guildhall place. If you would like a copy of the Agreement please contact the Junior Guildhall office.
- Junior Guildhall students are not permitted to participate in masterclasses or take instrumental lessons outside the School (unless with the student’s Junior Guildhall teacher) on instruments studied at the School unless permission is granted by the Head of Junior Guildhall.
- The full annual fee will vary according to any timetable requests made and the first instalment of fees must be paid prior to the commencement of tuition.
- Students are expected to remain at Junior Guildhall for a full academic year (or remainder of the academic year if tuition commenced after the start of the year). If a student is withdrawn from the course at any time during the year, the full annual fee (or proportion of annual fees if the student started after the commencement of the academic year) will still be payable unless dispensation has been granted by the Head of Junior Guildhall. If a parent wishes to withdraw a student at the end of the academic year, notice must be given in writing to the Head of Junior Guildhall no later than 1 April.
- Students are accepted into Junior Guildhall on the understanding that they make satisfactory progress and that they attend regularly. When students wish to be absent, permission must be requested in writing the Head of Junior Guildhall. Students should not arrange other activities on a term time Saturday or concert day until permission for absence has been granted by the School.
- Please note that we do not give students permission to miss concerts/performances or important rehearsals.
- Leave of absence will normally be granted for days when a student is not involved in a concert/performance, an important rehearsal, an internal assessment or other important event. Repeated absence can be detrimental to a student’s musical progress and very disruptive to ensemble work. For this reason, the Head of Junior Guildhall will normally only grant a student one absence per term. Absence from Saturdays may reduce a student’s chances of participation in Chamber Music. Written requests for absence should be made as early as possible.
- In the interest of all students, Junior Guildhall concerts and performances must have priority over any outside engagements that students may be offered. Principal concert dates are available from the Administrator more than a year in advance.
- The Office should be informed as soon as possible if a student is ill so that relevant teachers can be notified.
- The School occasionally arranges for photographs to be taken of the students. This is carried out in an unobtrusive manner and may be used for record and archival purposes. Junior Guildhall will seek separate permission if the images are to be used in the prospectus or in other published material and/or multi-media relating to the School.
These notes and conditions are subject to change from time to time. Parents will be notified in writing in advance of any such changes. On accepting a place, parents will receive a Handbook which details Junior Guildhall’s procedures and policies.
Single Class
There is an audition/interview. No prior preparation is required.
Double Class
For new students, there is an audition/interview. No prior preparation is required.
Existing members of the Single Class may progress to the Double Class on the recommendation of a Drama Course Tutor and/or may be invited to audition.
Advanced Drama Class
Applicants are required to prepare two speeches from memory: a modern speech and a Shakespeare speech of their own choice to perform at the audition. The speeches should be a maximum of two minutes each.
Existing members of the Drama Double Class may progress to the Advanced Class on the recommendation of a Drama Course Tutor and/or may be invited to audition.
If the number of applications require it, recalls may be offered for all courses. Placement of students in either the Single or Double Class is at the panel's discretion.
Late applications will generally be considered if spaces are available. However, there may be a delay in arranging an audition date. We do try to hear all applications but cannot guarantee a place even if the student is of our entry level. In such cases, students may be placed on a reserve list.
Applications for entry in September 2025 open on 7 January 2025 and close 11.59pm, 1 March 2025.
Please get in touch if you have missed the deadline.
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