
eduroam at Guildhall

Guildhall School is a participating institution, so as a School user you can use eduroam at other participating institutions. You can also use the eduroam network while at the School but you may find our staff and student networks more convenient if your devices are already registered.

Connect to eduroam

School users

The easiest way to connect to the eduroam WiFi is to install the geteduroam app

Or install the app from the links below.

geteduroam on the App Store (

geteduroam – Apps on Google Play

Once installed, inside the geteduroam app:

  • Search for and select Guildhall School, then select Staff or Student,
  • When prompted enter your school email address, which is typically either:
  • Then enter your current password.
  • If prompted to trust a certificate, ensure the certificate is issued by GEANT OV RSA CA 4.

You should then be connected to eduroam. Most devices will remember the connection settings and reconnect to eduroam anywhere it is available without further user action.


To connect to eduroam at Guildhall School, please follow the eduroam instructions provided by your home institution.  We recommend setting up eduroam before you travel, as we cannot assist visitors.

Find out where eduroam is available via the eduroam website – or download the app from the links on that page.

Terms of use

School users

All School users are eligible to use the eduroam service.

However, you must obey the Janet eduroam policy when using eduroam; the Janet Acceptable Use Policy; and our School IT Policy.


As a visitor to Guildhall School you must follow the Janet eduroam policy and those of your own institution.


School users

Please make sure you connect to and test eduroam before you travel to another institution.

If you have problems using eduroam, contact the IT Helpdesk, ideally with the following information:

  • The date and time (including time zone) you experienced problems with eduroam
  • Wireless (WiFi/MAC) address of your device
  • The name of the institution you are visiting


Please contact IT support at your home institution.

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