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Monologue Bootcamp
Monologue Bootcamp, run in collaboration with Leeds Conservatoire, prepares future Drama School applicants for the audition process, equipping them with the skills to choose, interpret and deliver a monologue.

Monologue Bootcamp prepares potential Drama School applicants for the competitive audition process, through a series of workshops to help participants research, interpret and deliver a monologue.
It runs in collaboration with Leeds Conservatoire, and is free for participants.
Workshops include:
- Where to look, how contrasting is contrasting and other monologue mysteries
- Bringing voice and movement to your monologues
- Modern plays and contemporary monologues
- Demystifying classical monologues
- Solo prep for solo text
- Self-tape skills
- Auditioning and student life at Guildhall School of Music and Drama and Leeds Conservatoire
Monologue Bootcamp runs in August, once at Leeds Conservatoire and once at Guildhall School of Music & Drama.
Monologue Bootcamp North will take place at Leeds Conservatoire on Tuesday 5th August - Thursday 7th August 2025.
Monologue Bootcamp North will take place at Guildhall School of Music and Drama on Tuesday 19th August - Thursday 21st August 2025.
Applicants must:
- Be seriously considering applying to Drama School for September 2026 entry.
- Be aged 17+ at the time of the course (please note that if you are currently in year 12 and will turn 17 in August 2023 you may still apply, even if this means you are 16 when the course takes place)
- Be UK-domiciled.
- Have no previous experience of Higher Education.
- Be available for all sessions.
- Be state-educated, or have been state-educated if they are no longer in secondary education.
Applicants should also meet one of the following criteria:
- Live in a household which receives Universal Credit OR which has an income of under £35k.*
- Be in receipt of Free School Meals OR in receipt of a 16-19 bursary via their school or college.*
- Have a home postcode classed as Quintile 1 or 2 in the POLAR4 dataset
- Have a home postcode classed as decile 1-4 in the IMD dataset (column ‘F’ in downloadable file, or email access@gsmd.ac.uk to check)
- Identify as Black, Asian or ethnically diverse.
- Live in care, be a recent care leaver or care experienced within the last 5 years OR estranged from their family.*
- Have a disability.*
If you have previously participated in Monologue Bootcamp you are not eligible to apply for it again.
*evidence for these criteria will be required with your application.
Applications for Monologue Bootcamp 2025 will open in the spring.