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International Admissions
Of the 1000 students across our programmes, 35 per cent come from outside Britain, representing more than 40 countries, and we welcome applications from all international academic backgrounds. We place great value in the diversity of cultures in the school, and are committed to maintaining a student body which reflects London’s culture of international inclusivity.

How to Apply
Guildhall School takes direct applications for both undergraduate and postgraduate programmes, rather than through an intermediary agency or a centralised system such as UCAS or CUKAS. Instead all enquiries and applications are handled by our helpful teams in Registry and Student Recruitment.
Please complete and submit an online application found on our how to apply page if you are interested in being considered for one of our programmes. You may be invited to London to audition or interview, however if you would prefer to interview in a location closer to home, please indicate on your application which of this year’s international audition locations would be most suitable for you. Due to the challenge of international travel during the COVID-19 pandemic, unfortunately our international auditions will be restricted this year. Those unable to attend should submit a recorded audition.
Application procedures and entry requirements will differ depending on the faculty and programme that you choose. Students applying for Music, Acting, or Production Arts will receive instructions relevant to their programme of study.
Once you have submitted an application, our team will be in touch to provide information about the various documentation you will have to provide both to complete your enrolment and obtain any visa that might be necessary for you to come and study with us.
In response to the UK's departure from the EU, Guildhall School have issued a formal statement to express our continued commitment to supporting and welcoming students from the EU. The following FAQ answers some common questions about the practicalities of coming to study with us under these new conditions.
Yes, we will continue to welcome students from all over the world to train at Guildhall and be part of our international community. However, the UK’s decision to leave the EU means that students from the EU, other EEA and Swiss nationals wanting to study abroad in the UK will need to pay international tuition fees rather than home (UK) fees. They will also not be eligible for financial support from Student Finance England and must fund their studies privately. Students of all nationalities are eligible to apply for Guildhall School scholarships, and should do so via the School's usual scholarship application process once a place has been offered.
EU/EEA/Swiss students who began their degrees in or before the academic year 2020-21 are still eligible for home student fees and financial support.
EU/EEA/Swiss students who begin their degrees in the academic year 2021-22 and beyond will need to pay international tuition fees unless they benefit from Citizens’ Rights under the EU Withdrawal Agreement.
No. This does not apply to Irish nationals living in the UK and Ireland. Your right to study and to access benefits and services will be preserved on a reciprocal basis for UK and Irish nationals under the Common Travel Area arrangement.
The countries in the European Economic Area are:
Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Republic of Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, and Sweden.
You will require a student visa if you are a national of an EEA country or Switzerland and want to study a full time course at the Guildhall School. If you were resident in the UK prior to 1 January 2021 and hold a valid status under the EU Settlement Scheme, you will not require a student visa. If you are starting your studies from the academic year 2021/22, you will be required to provide evidence of your online status by providing us with your share code in order to verify your status in the UK.
Following the UK's departure from the EU on 31 December 2020, Guildhall School has been required to instigate changes to our study abroad offer. The School is exploring partnerships with institutions across the world.
The most up to date information on inbound and outbound opportunities can be found on our Study Abroad & Mobility page.
For information about your fee category and any available funding, please visit our Fees and Funding page. For further information and guidance, contact the Student Funding Officer.
For a full guide to funding opportunities for North American students, please see our guidance on Funding for North American Students (PDF link).
Guildhall School also accepts Federal Loan applicants.
Fee Assessment
Guildhall School is a publicly funded educational institution and must charge two levels of fee: the lower 'home' fee and the higher 'overseas' fee. Students pay the 'home' or 'overseas' fee depending on whether they meet certain criteria as set out by the fee regulations. For information on how fee status is assessed, please see our Fee Assessment page.
If you think you will require a visa to visit the UK for an audition or interview, Guildhall School can provide you with a letter of support that confirms your invitation. You can request this from Registry once the dates and details of your audition/interview have been arranged. Alternatively, the School offers overseas audition venues for some programmes, please see our Auditions/Interviews page for details.
Applicants from outside the UK are likely to require a visa to study in the UK. Details on the Student visa can be found on the gov.uk website.
Once you have accepted your place, the School will support your student visa application; however all conditions of entry must have been met before Guildhall School will issue a Confirmation of Acceptance of Studies (CAS). You will also need to ensure you have sufficient funds in your bank account so please check the Student Visa Policy Guidance well in advance.
We may not be able to sponsor all students for a student visa and you should ensure you have researched the type of visa you will need in order to study with us, especially if you have already studied at degree level in the UK. Please contact immigration@gsmd.ac.uk if you are unsure.
Please note that students who require a Student visa can only study on full-time programmes. The School can assist you with your Student visa application and will provide further information and guidance if you are offered a place at the School.
Free student immigration advice and very helpful information sheets are available at the UKCISA website. They have an advice telephone line which is available daily which you can find here.
International Entry Requirements
Guildhall School recognises a wide range of international qualifications and curricula.
Individual programmes have their own specific requirements and you may require an audition or interview. You can read more about our academic entry requirements in our How to Apply pages. This information is for guidance purposes only, as each application is judged on its own merits. Performance ability and creative or technical talents might not be reflected in your grades but can be demonstrated in your application.
In addition, please ensure that you are aware of the English language requirements. The language of instruction is English and it is vital that all students have a good command of the language. For those without English as a first language, please see our English Language Entry Criteria page for the requirements by programme. Optional English language classes are available during the autumn and spring terms.
Our general entry requirement for undergraduate programmes is a passing grade in high school qualifications, and for postgraduate programmes is the equivalent of a bachelor’s degree. You can search for your qualification on our list of equivalent overseas qualifications to check your eligibility. Please enquire with registry@gsmd.ac.uk if your qualification does not appear on this list.
Entry Requirements by Country
Undergraduate: Matura/Reifeprüfung or equivalent with minimum overall score of ‘pass’
Postgraduate: Diplom, Diplomstudium/Magister, or 3-year Bachelor’s degree with an overall grade of 3.0
Undergraduate: Дыплом аб сярэдняй спецыяльнай адукацыi (Diploma of Specialised Secondary Education) or equivalent, with passing grades.
Postgraduate: Bakdegreealavr/Bachelor’s with a minimum passing grade.
Undergraduate: High school qualifications (Diploma van Secundair Onderwijs, Brevet l, Certificat d'Enseignement Secondaire Supérieur, or equivalent with passing grades. We also accept European Baccalaureate
Postgraduate: Licence/Licentiaat/Bachelor or equivalent with 60%+ grade.
Undergraduate: Диплома за Cредно Oбразование (Diploma of Completed Secondary Education) or equivalent with passing grades (3+)
Postgraduate: Diploma za Zavarsheno Visshe Obrazovanie (Diploma of Completed Higher Education) or a bachelor’s degree with passing grades (3+)
Undergraduate: General High School Diploma, Senior Secondary Graduation Diploma , High School Graduation Diploma, General Education Development Test (GED), or Diplôme d'Études Collégiales (DEC) with passing grades. Grading schemes vary depending on province or territory, an indicative offer might be 65% in at least five grade 12 courses.
Postgraduate: Bachelor(Hounours) degree,Bachelor degree / Baccalauréat or Bachelier degree with GPA of 2.5+
Undergraduate: 高考 (Chinese University/College Entrance Examination (Gaokao) pass of 3rd Tier or above, or recognised foundation year course.
Postgraduate: four-year学士学位 Bachelor’s degree or Master’s degree (both graduation and degree certificate) with an overall grade of 60%+
Undergraduate: Upper Secondary School Leaving Certificate(Apolytirio Lykeiuo) or equivalent of 10+ (pass)
Postgraduate: four-year Ptychio [Bachelor’s degree (post-2001)] with a pass grade of 5+
Undergraduate: Secondary School Leaving Certificate (Vysvedcení o Maturitní Zkoušce) with passing grades (4+)
Postgraduate: Bachelor’s degree (Bakalar) with passing grade of 3.0+
Undergraduate: Bevis for Højere For beredelseseksamen (HF) (Higher Preparatory Examination Certificate) Bevis for Studentereksamen (Secondary Education Graduation Certificate) with average passing grade of 4+ (7 point scale) or 7+ (13 point scale)
Postgraduate: Candidatus Philosophiae or a Bachelor’s degree
Undergraduate: Gümnaasiumi lõputunnistus (Secondary School Leaving Certificate) Gümnaasiumi lõputunnistus with the Riigieksamitunnistus(Secondary School Leaving Certificate with the State Examination Certificate))
Postgraduate: Bakalaureusekraad (Bachelor degree), Rakenduskõrgharidusõppe Diplom (Professional Higher Education Diploma), Diplomeeritud spetsialisti ulikoolidiplom / Kraadita Diploma (University Specialist’s Diploma)
Undergraduate: Ylioppilastutkintotodistus / Studentexamensbetyg (Matriculation Examination) with average passing grade of 3+
Postgraduate: Kandidaatti/Kandidat (University Bachelor degree /Lower Academic Degree)-
Undergraduate: Diplome du Baccalauréat general or Diplome du baccalaureat general (option internationale) with average passing grade of 10+
Postgraduate: Grade de licence, Maîtrise, or Diplôme d'Ingénieur with passing grade of 10+
Undergraduate: Zeugnis der Allgemeinen Hochschulreife / Abitur or a Fachgebundene Hochschulreife / Fachhochschulreife with average passing grade of 4+
Postgraduate: Magister Artum/Diplom or Bachelor’s degree with a passing grade of ≤4.
Undergraduate: ΑΠΟΛΥΤΗΡΙΟ ΓΕΝΙΚΟΥ ΛΥΚΕΙΟΥ Apolytírio Genekou Lykeíou (Upper Secondary School Leaving Certificate) with average passing grade of 9.5+
Postgraduate: ΠΤΥΧΙΟ / ΔΙΠΛΩΜΑ ΠΑΝΕΠΙΣΤΗΜΙΟΥUniversity Degree /Diploma/) with a minimum passing mark of 5+, ΠΤΥΧΙΟ AEA (Diploma / Degree from AEA)
Undergraduate: 香港中學文憑(HKDSE) with passing grade of 3, 3, 3, 3+ or 香港高級程度會考-高級程度HKALE minimum 3 passes.
Postgraduate: 學士學位 (榮譽) (Bachelor’s degree (Hons) or Master’s degree with a GPA of D+ (1.3)
Undergraduate: Érettségi Bizonyítvány /Matura (Secondary Education Graduation Certificate) with average passing grades of 2+
Postgraduate: Alapfokozat or Egyetemi Oklevel with a passing grade of 3+
Undergraduate: Stúdentspróf (academic) (Matriculation Certificate) with passing grades of 5+
Postgraduate: Baccalaureus (Bakkalarprof) with passing grade of 6.00+
Undergraduate: תעודת בגרות (Matriculation Certificate) / Te’udat Bagrut with at least three subjects in a passing mark of 45+
Postgraduate: תואר ראשון ( Bachelor degree with) average passing grade of 60%+
Undergraduate: Diploma di Esame di Stato with average passing grades of 60+
Postgraduate: Laurea; Licenza di Accademia di Belle Arti; Diploma di Mediatore Linguistic; or Diploma accademico di primo livello with passing grade of 100+
Undergraduate: 高等學校畢業證書 (Upper Secondary School Leaving Certificate)
Postgraduate:学士Bachelordegree) with a GPA of C
Undergraduate: Atestāts par vispārējo vidējo izglītību (Certificate of General Secondary Education) with average passing grade of 5+
Postgraduate: Bakalaur Diploms/(Bachelor’s degree) or Magistra Diploms (Master’s degree) with passing grade of 5+
Undergraduate: Brandos Atestatas (Secondary School Leaving Certificate) with passing grade of 6+
Postgraduate: Bakalauro Diplomas/(Bachelor’s degree) or Magistro Diplomas with passing grade of 6+ (10-point scale) or 3+ (5-point scale)
Undergraduate: Bachillerato with a minimum pass mark of 6+/60%+
Postgraduate: Título de Licenciado / Título (Profesional) with a pass mark of 7+/70%+
Undergraduate: Voorbereidend Wetenschappelijk Onderwijs (VWO) with a minimum pass mark of 6+
Postgraduate: Doctoraal, Bachelor degree, or Hoger Beroepsonderwijs (HBO) with passing grade of 6+
Undergraduate: Vitnemål for videregående opplæring (Leaving Certificate from Upper Secondary School) with average passing grades of 3+
Postgraduate: Bachelorgrad (Bachelor’s degree) with passing grade of C+
Undergraduate: Świadectwo Dojrzałości (Certificate of Maturity) with average passing grade of 30%+
Postgraduate: Licencjat / Inżynier (Bachelor degree)) or three-year pre-2000 Magister / Magister Inżynier (Master's degree) with passing grade of 3+
Undergraduate: Diploma Nível Secundáriode Educação/Certificado Nível Secundáriode Educação with average passing grade of 10+
Postgraduate: Diploma de Estudos Superiores Especializados – DESE or a Licenciado with a minimum pass mark of 10+
Undergraduate: Diplomă de Bacalaureat (Baccalaureate Diploma) with an average passing grade of 6+
Postgraduate: Diplomă de Inginer (Engineer) or Diplomă de Licenţă (Bachelor degree) with passing grade of 7+
Undergraduate: Свидетельство о результатах ЕГЭ (единого государственного экзамена) (Certificate of Unified State Examination) with a passing grade of 3+
Postgraduate: Диплом специалиста (Speialist Diploma) with a passing grade of 3+ or 50+
Undergraduate: Диплома о положеном завршном испиту / Diploma opoloženom završnom ispitu (Diploma of Completed Final
Examination (4 years)) Диплома о положеном матурском испиту / Diploma o položenom maturskom ispitu (Diploma of Completed Graduation Examinations) Диплома о стеченом средњем образовању / Diploma o stečenom srednjem obrazovanju (Diploma of Completed Secondary Education) with average passing grade of 2+ (5-point grading scale)
Postgraduate: Дипломирани / Diplomirani (bachelor degree) with minimum passing grade of 6+
Undergraduate: Vysvedčenie o maturitnej skúške (Secondary School Leaving Certificate) with average passing grade of 4
Postgraduate: Magister (Master’s degree) or Bakalár (Bachelor degree) with passing grade of D
Undergraduate: 고등학교 졸업증명서 / 고등학교 졸업장 (High School Diploma / High School Certificate of Graduation), 고등학교 졸업학력 검정고시High School Graduation Equivalency Examination with average passing GPA (C).
Postgraduate: 학사 : haksa(Bachelor degree) with average passing GPA (65%+)
Undergraduate: Título de Bachiller or Curso de Orientación Universitaria (COU) with average passing grades of 5+
Postgraduate: Título Universitario Oficial de Graduado en (Grado) or five-year Título Universitario Oficial de Licenciado (Licenciatura) with passing grades of 5+
Undergraduate: Avgångsbetyg/Slutbetyg från Gymnasieskola/Högskoleförberedande examen with passing grades.
Postgraduate: Bachelor degree / Kandidatexamen Yrkesexamen (Professional Bachelor Degree), with passing grade.
Undergraduate: Certificat de Maturité/Certificat de Maturité Cantonal reconnu par la Confédération / Maturitätsausweis / Eidgenössisch anerkanntes kantonales Maturitätszeugnis, Attestato di Maturità / Attestato di Maturità Cantonale riconosciuto dalla Confederazione with passing average GPA of 4+
Postgraduate: Bachelor degree, Diplom/Diplôme/Diploma; Lizentiat/Licence/Licenza; with an average passing mark of 4+ (6-point scale);
Undergraduate: Сертифікат зовнішнього незалежного оцінювання (Certificate of Independent External Examination) with average passing grades
Postgraduate: Диплом бакалавра (Bachelor degree), Диплом спеціаліста (Specialist Diploma) with a passing grade of 60%+
Undergraduate: High School Diploma (minimum GPA of 2.5) + either:
- SAT I (minimum balanced score of 1000), or
- ACT (composite score of 21 or above) or
- -2 Advanced Placement (AP) exams at grade 2 or above
Postgraduate: four-year bachelor degree with a minimum GPA of 2.0.