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Laura Morgan
Key details:
- Department:
- Guildhall Young Artists Norwich
- Role:
- Voice Tutor & Singing Teacher

The Nottinghamshire born Soprano trained at the University of Huddersfield gaining her BMus(hons) and first Masters degree in Performance studying principally with Bass-Baritone, Andrew Slater. After a couple of years of singing and teaching, she then moved even further North to complete her postgraduate studies at the Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama (now the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland (RCS)) with Soprano, Helen Lawson, attaining her PGDipMus and MMus. Laura, until recently, had been singing under her maiden name, Laura Lemmon.
Laura now lives in Norwich with her husband and son. In addition to her own singing, Laura is a vocal tutor for two prestigious private schools in Norwich (Norwich School and Town Close House preparatory school); vocal instructor and choral conductor/leader for the Norwich Centre for Young Musicians in collaboration with Guildhall, London and choral director for Surlingham Broadnotes choir. She regularly gives vocal workshops and masterclasses and teaches students of all ages privately at home. Laura has been invited to sing as a recitalist and soloist all over the UK and enjoys a varied career of singing oratorio, recitals, weddings, christenings and other concert work.
Recent performances include:- Cally Spooner’s Damning Evidence Illicit Behaviour Seemingly Insurmountable Great Sadness Terminated In Any Manner for British Art Show 8 at Norwich Castle; Brahms Ein deutsches Requiem, Fauré Requiem for Lowestoft Choral Society; Mozart- Mass in C Minor, Haydn - Salve Regina, Schubert Magnificat for Sudbury Choral Society; Arvo Pärt - Passio for Keswick Hall Choir, Mozart- Mass in C Minor, Dido & Aeneas with Norwich Baroque, Opera Gala for Sudbury Choral Society, Finzi- In Terra Pax & Bernstein - Chichester Psalms Carter - Musick’s Jubilee Handel- Messiah, Handel - Israel in Egypt, Rossini- Petite Messe Solennelle, Fauré - Requiem, Vivaldi - Gloria and Beatus Vir, Mozart - Vesperae Solennes de Confessor