Malte Kobel

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Dr Malte Kobel (he/him) is a musicologist and a Leverhulme Early Career Fellow. His work engages critically and theoretically with questions of musical aesthetics, experimental musics, voice and performance studies. Malte is currently working on a postdoctoral project around Ornette Coleman’s musical thought, focussing on questions of composition, sociality and music as philosophical practice.

Previously, he was a lecturer at the Staatliche Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst Stuttgart. He received a PhD from Kingston University London, the manuscript “The musicking voice: performance, affect and listening” is currently being worked into a monograph. Malte has published articles in Journal for Cultural Research, Sound Studies, Pulse and book chapters in A Sound Word Almanac (2024), Mediale Stimmentwürfe. Perspectives of Media Voice Designs (2022) and Musik und Emotionen: Kulturhistorische Perspektiven (2020).

He co-runs the Berlin-based record label ‘Hyperdelia’ and was co-founder of BLATT 3000, a magazine and festival for exchange and critical discussion around music.

Malte is interested in supporting PhD projects relating to musical aesthetics, critical theory, experimental musics, pop music studies and voice.