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Anele Mahamba
Key details:
- Department:
- Drama
- Year of Graduation:
- 2019-20
Height 5′3″
Eyes Brown
Hair Black
Nationality South African
Natural accent South African
Productions at Guildhall
Kitty in F to the Power of 3 (written and dir. Anele Phindile Mahamba)
Nina in The Royale (dir. Ameera Conrad)
Venus in Provok’d – A Restoration (dir. Jamie Bradley)
Jozka in The Wheel (dir. Caroline Byrne)
Projects at Guildhall
Emilia in Othello (dir. Ashley Zhangazha)
Jokasta in Oedipus (dir. Patsy Rodenburg)
Land Lady in Lucky Stiff (dir. Martin Connor)
Bunty in The Vortex (dir. Wyn Jones & Annemette Verspeak)
Becca in Rabbit Hole (dir. Wyn Jones & Annemette Verspeak)
Venus in Fair and Ugly, False and True (Devised) (dir. Jamie Bradley)
Masha in The Seagull (dir. Brodie Ross)
Keaton in Pomona (dir. Matti Houghton)
Professional Experience
Finalist in the Josephine Hart Poetry Prize 2019
Zephyr the Horse in Beasts of London (Voiceover), Museum of London/ Guildhall School
Strong singer (Alto)
Jazz, Show dance, Period dance, Street dance
Stage combat
Voice Reels
Voice Reel - Commercial
Voice Reel - Narrative
Guildhall Scholar