Key details:

Year of Graduation:
Sachin Krishan Sharma headshot
Photo by Olivia Spencer


Formerly 'Sachin Krishan Sharma'

Height 5’10”
Eyes Dark Brown
Hair Black

Nationality British
Natural accent Midlands (Coventry)

Productions at Guildhall

Creon/Citizen in Antigone (dir. Orla O’Loughlin)
Macbeth in Macbeth (dir. Ashley Zhangazha)
Dr Gibbs in Our Town (dir. John Haidar)          
Havish/Hitesh in Hyde & Seek (dir. Tristan Fynn-Aiduenu)

Projects at Guildhall 

Joe Keller/Dr Jim Bayliss In All Your Sons (dir. Max Key)
Oedipus/King lear in Oedipus/King Lear (dir. Patsy Rodenburg)
Angus Beefsteak in …Or are you just pleased to see me? (Written/dir. Sachin Sharma)
Michael in Death of England (dir. Endy McKay)
Vanya/Serebryakov in Uncle Vanya (dir. Sophie Moniram)
Roland in Constellations (dir. Titas Halder)

Solo Work

Man presents ‘Angus Beefcake’ in Sundown Husks (written/dir. Sachin Krishan Sharma)

Other Experience

Gorzerian Board Member in Ghostbusters (dir. Andrew Keates), Secret Cinema
Finalist at the Monologue Slam, National Final, Triforce Productions
Winner of the Monologue Slam, Coventry, Triforce Productions


Fluent in Punjabi and Hindi (all native), Italian (fluent)
Voice Acting
Badminton, Basketball, Yoga
Stage Combat 

Voice Reels

Voice Reel - Commercial


Voice Reel - Narrative


Voice Reel - Drama








Noel Coward Foundation Scholar

Supported by the Lionel Bart Foundation