Key details:

Year of Graduation:
Bethany Wooding headshot
Photo by Olivia Spencer


Height 5”3
Eyes Brown
Hair Brown

Nationality Welsh
Natural accent Cardiff, South Wales

Pronouns she/her

Productions at Guildhall

Jane in Jane Eyre (dir. Victoria Moseley)
Beth in Bookshop (dir. Helen Iley)
Dogberry in Much Ado About Nothing (dir. Chelsea Walker)
Eliza in What We're Up Against (dir. Breman Rajkumar)
Girl 1/2nd Woman/Ensemble in Yerma (dir. Sophie Dillon Moniram)

Projects at Guildhall 

Cassandra in The Trojan Women (dir. Patsy Rodenburg)
Babette in The Fire Raisers (dir. Titas Halder)
DC Holly Morten in The Informer (dir. Morgan Watkins)
Pickle Lady in self-led project (written/dir. Bethany Wooding)
A/B in Love and Information (dir. Breman Rajkumar)
Charlotta in The Cherry Orchard (dir. Polina Kalinina)

Professional Experience

Misty in Rodney and the Shrieking Sisterhood (dir. Joe Murphy) 2020 Radio play, Sherman Theatre Cardiff
Kirsty in Peerless (dir. Joe Murphy) 2020 Radio play, Sherman Theatre Cardiff
Luzie in Six Minutes to Midnight (dir. Andy Goddard), 2020, Mad as Birds Films

Other Experience

Runner up in the Carleton Hobbs Bursary Award 2024 
Open Door Elevate 2023/24 
Cressida in Shakespeare's Women (dir. Mariah Gale) 2024
Original Music Composition for Shakespeare's Women (dir. Mariah Gale) 2024
The Wise Children Pick and Mix 2023
National Youth Theatre Wales 2018-2021
National Youth Theatre Great Britain 2019-2021


Strong singer (Mezzo-Soprano)
Piano (intermediate)
Welsh Language (conversational)
Contemporary Dance, Ballet (Advanced 1 ISTD)
Fine Artist including drawing, print making, painting, sculpting

Show Reels

Voice Reels

Voice Reel - Commercial

Voice Reel - Narrative

Voice Reel - Drama




Guildhall Scholar