Key details:

Year of Graduation:
MC Bury headshot
Photo by Dave Buttle


Height 5’5”
Eyes Blue
Hair Blonde

Nationality French
Natural accent French

Pronouns they/she

Productions at Guildhall

Rochester in Jane Eyre (dir. Victoria Moseley)
Amy in DIY Edi (dir. Helen Iley)
Don John in Much Ado About Nothing (dir. Chelsea Walker)
Orpheus in Polaroid Stories (dir. Breman Rajkumar)
Dolores/Ensemble in Yerma (dir. Sophie Dillon Moniram)

Projects at Guildhall 

Cassandra/Menelaus in The Trojan Women (dir. Patsy Rodenburg)
Eisenring/Chorus in The Fire Raisers (dir. Titas Halder)
Catherine Cawood in Happy Valley (dir. Morgan Watkins)
OJ in Rewind (written/dir. MC Bury)
C in Crave (dir. Topher Campbell)
Leonid Gayev in The Cherry Orchard (dir. Polina Kalinina)
Evan in Sweat (dir. Ola Ince)

Solo Work

Max in Max (written/dir. MC Bury)

Professional Experience

The prosecutor/The pastor in State against Nolan (dir. Gabriel Dufay), Avignon Festival
Pan in Pan! (dir. Florian Sitbon), Avignon Festival

Other Experience

Isabella/Viola in Shakespeare's Women (dir. Mariah Gale)
Bachelor in Theatre Studies at Sorbonne Nouvelle Paris 3
Studio de Formation Théâtrale
Conservatoire Paris 12ème


Strong singer (Mezzo-Soprano)
Flute (grade 7-8 equivalent), Alto Saxophone (self-taught)
French language (fluent), Mandarin language (conversational)
Stage combat
Horse riding
EU driving license

Show Reels

Voice Reels

Voice Reel - Commercial

Voice Reel - Narrative

Voice Reel - Drama




Jane Ades Ingenuity Scholar

MC is directly supported by The Lionel Bart Foundation Award