Key details:

Production Arts
Year of Graduation:
Ed Frearson's profile picture
Photo by Ben Mills


Ed Frearson - CV


What's been your highlight during your time at Guildhall?

Seeing the work of Jon Armstrong and Guy Knox-Holmes on the two OrchestRAM and OrchestRAVE events that have happened while I have been here have both been really inspiring. Being lucky enough to sit in pre vis with Guy, getting an understanding of his workflow, creative decisions and hearing the conversations that the two were having about the projects was eye opening to me about exploring lighting for live events and music in the future.

What's been your highlight in the industry?

After programming Opera 3 in the summer term for LD Andy Purves, he then asked me to program Rent at the New Theatre in Peterborough. This was a rewarding experience that I learnt a lot from, and was nice to develop a professional relationship with Andy after our work on Opera 3. Working in such a large venue and at the speed that we did definitely makes this a highlight for me.

What are you most interested in working in after you graduate?

I really want to work as a lighting designer, associate and programmer for theatre and live music. While I really enjoy working in theatre, I also am keen to further my experiences and knowledge of working in live music. I really enjoy live music that almost has a theatrical element and process to it, so exploring work like that is something I am keen to explore as well.


Visit Ed's website 


Top Plan - February, 2024