Diversity in action: Diversifying production arts staffing in drama schools and conservatoires (2.0)

  • 10 - 6pm (including a post-event networking reception)
A green background with the words 'diversity inaction'. The 'in' part of 'inaction' has been struck through so the phrase now reads 'diversity action'.


About this event:

Making It | Platform / Discussion
Event type:
Booking required | Free | In-person
Free, registration required
Silk Street Theatre

Event information

Presented by Guildhall School of Music & Drama in partnership with EDJI Arts

In September 2023 Guildhall hosted a networking and discussion event considering the diversification of staff in drama school and conservatoire production arts departments. As all agreed at this event, there is plenty of work to do, and we should keep initiatives moving and information flowing.

Join us at Guildhall School of Music & Drama for a day of learning and meaningful networking as we share perspectives and examine the processes we must embed to achieve lasting change.

Through panel discussions and breakout sessions, we will explore:

  • How inclusive organisations learn from peer networks and welcome new colleagues
  • How diversity in staffing helps turbocharge creativity
  • Ways to address unconscious biases and change custom-and-practice processes
  • Students’ perspectives on the importance and benefits of diversity in staffing
  • How to purposefully diversify recruitment and retention, in support of individual career journeys and sector responsibility
  • How communities of artists, professional practitioners and educators can work together towards mutual development

The day will include opportunities for informal networking over refreshments, with creative practitioners and drama school staff having the chance to meet, mingle and discuss future potential collaborations.

Let’s take action together – please email melissa.bonnelame@gsmd.ac.uk for further details..

This event is for industry practitioners who are thinking of teaching or working as a member of creative teams in drama schools, and for drama school colleagues who are involved in employing industry practitioners and/or teaching staff. We aim to facilitate representation from across the theatre industry and drama school sectors, and the event is open to all. Anyone with questions is welcome to contact event co-organiser, Rekha Dosaj: rey@edji-arts.com.

Venue information

Silk Street Theatre, Music Hall and Lecture Recital Room are located in the main Guildhall School building on Silk Street and for Barbican produced events the venue can also be accessed from the Barbican if you exit via the doors next to Barbican Kitchen on Level G. 

Silk Street
Parking available

Parking information