Admissions Complaints Procedure

Admissions Complaints Procedure

Guildhall School of Music & Drama values all feedback as a mechanism for improving efficiency and customer service. Our aim is to resolve issues of dissatisfaction by conducting thorough and fair investigations of complaints so that, where appropriate, we can make evidence based decisions on the facts of each individual case.

There may be occasions where an applicant considers that the Guildhall School has failed to meet its high standards in the consideration of their application. If this is the case, you should follow the procedure set out below. 

Who may complain?

Whoever signed the original application form should make the complaint. If you are under 16 years of age, your parent/guardian/carer should write a letter supporting your complaint.

Please note that:

  1. Disagreement with the academic judgement of the audition/interview/selection panel in reaching its decision based on aspects of your profile and/or performance at audition/interview does not constitute grounds for a complaint;
  2. If you were suffering from a certified illness or other documented extenuating circumstance which may have affected your performance this will not constitute grounds for a complaint if you failed to inform the relevant Production Arts & Drama Administration or Music Administrative Office or the Selection Panel beforehand or on the day.

Complaints will only be considered in relation to non-adherence to policy and procedure or poor customer service. However, you should feel free to raise a complaint without fear of disadvantage.

Complaints procedure

Please see our Policies page for our Admissions Complaint Procedure (see the section HE Admissions and Enrolment). 

What are the possible outcomes of my complaint?

The investigator will provide you with a reasoned decision for their findings and where appropriate will offer a remedy and/or make recommendations to the department in respect of changes to processes and procedures in response to your complaint.

If the investigator determines that your application was not treated fairly or your audition/interview was conducted in a manner which was prejudicial to you, you will be given the opportunity to re-audition within the application cycle, if this is still possible.  If not, you will be offered another audition for a place at the School the following year, without being charged a further application fee. The complaint process cannot reverse a decision of a selection panel.

The School will keep a record of the details of your complaint: the circumstances, the nature of your complaint and the decision making process. This information will be kept in a secure place and kept confidential to those involved in the complaint investigation.

What next?

For the School’s doctoral programme only, which is validated by City University London, you have the further option of complaining to City University London; you should contact the Appeals, Complaints and Enhancement Office at City University London by emailing in the first instance.

For all other programmes, there are no further internal mechanisms for an admissions complaint within the School. Please also note that the remit of the Office of the Independent Adjudicator for Higher Education does not include admissions. However, should you wish to take your complaint further you are advised to consult your local Citizens Advice Bureau for advice on the legal avenues open to you or the Competition and Markets Authority.


How we use your data

Guildhall School is a department of the City of London Corporation (“the City of London”) and the City of London is the data controller. The City of London’s privacy notice which explains how the City uses your data can be found on the City of London website.

Where there are activities unique to the Guildhall School these are covered in more detail by the School’s Privacy Notice and by the privacy notice specific to Higher Education found on the privacy pages of the Guildhall website.

Relevant contacts

Student Experience Team
Tel: 0207 382 7183

For doctoral programmes
Appeals, Complaints and Enhancement Office, City University London, Northampton Square, London EC1V 0HB | EMail:
Tel: 0207 7040 0234

External organisations