GYA - Free Taster Session at Guildhall Young Artists Taunton
Applicant Details
Are you
Please confirm
Applicant First Name
Applicant Last Name
Applicant Contact Telephone Number
Date of Birth
Name of School & Year Group (or equivalent if home educated)
Medical Notes / Special Requirements
Parent/Carer First Name
Parent/Carer Last Name
Parent/Carer Contact Telephone Number
Emergency Contact
First Name
Last Name
Contact Number
Relationship to applicant
The Applicant's Instrument
(Music Course taster applicants only)
The answer below will be used to ensure that the applicant is put into classes that are are suitable for their requirements.
Name of instrument or instruments the applicant is interested in learning
The Applicant's Interests and Experience
Please tell us about the applicant's interests or any music/drama experience that they have (if applicable):
Stay in touch
We would love to contact you with the latest news and updates at GYA Taunton and Guildhall Young Artists. If you would like to be added to our mailing list, please enter your email address below. You can unsubscribe at anytime.
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We would love to know how you heard about us
Please give as many details as possible. The information provided will help us to inform where we advertise similar courses in the future.
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