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Junior Guildhall Finance and Funding
Junior Guildhall is committed to ensuring that the cost of tuition should not deter you from applying. Find out more about the fees and funding options available.

Scholarships and Bursaries
Scholarships and bursaries are available for students and aim to accommodate all talented students regardless of their ability to pay.
The School makes strenuous efforts to help all applicants in need of financial support. All bursaries are awarded on a means-tested basis. Applications should be received by 1 May for students entering in the following September. Students receive financial support through a number of charitable trusts and organisations including the Leverhulme Trust, Wolfson Foundation, the Ruth David & John Beckett Bursary.
These grants are funded through the Department for Education’s Music and Dance Scheme. They are intended for young musicians aged 8 to 16 with exceptional potential and dedication who do not have the financial means to access the best available training. Students offered places on the Music Course or Jazz Programme are eligible for National Grants. Application for all sources of financial support are made through the Junior Guildhall Bursary Scheme.
City of London Funding enables pupils from City of London Schools and Academies to attend Junior Guildhall. The funding has been provided to help participants from City of London Schools and Academies at primary and secondary level, who might otherwise not apply due to their financial circumstances, to find pathways into Junior Guildhall training. Junior Guildhall is a specialist Saturday School offering music and drama training to young people, based in the heart of the City of London. Should you feel you have students who show obvious talent or a flare for music or drama and would benefit from this new grant, please do contact us for further information.
Scholarships are awarded to outstanding musicians either through the entrance audition or, in the case of existing students, through Junior Guildhall assessment procedures. No application is required. Most scholarships are worth between £250 and £1,000.
There are two scholarships available, one for Years 12-13 and one for Years 9-11. These competitive scholarships are awarded to outstanding musicians who have been successful in gaining a place at City of London School for Girls due to high academic attainment, and are then recommended by the Director of Music, to apply to Junior Guildhall.
The Joint scholarships, which consider financial need, cover up to full fees at the City of London School for Girls and may cover up to the full Basic Course Fee at Junior Guildhall subject to scholarship availability.
Initial enquiries should be made to the City of London School for Girls (Tel. 020 7847 5500). Auditions are usually held in November for entry in the following September.
Annual Junior Guildhall Fees for 2025/26
Accounts relating to course fees are invoiced annually and are payable in three equal termly instalments.
Music Course | £4230 |
Jazz Course | £4725 |
Brass and String Training Programmes | £2430 |
Extensions and extra studies for the above (per 20 mins) | £990 |
Kindergarten Course | £855 |
Advanced Drama | £1725 |
Double Drama | £1245 |
Single Drama | £885 |
The Music Course basic course fee includes a 40 minute first study lesson, a Musical Awareness class, and ensembles. A range of additional musical workshop activities are offered at no extra cost subject to availability. This does not include extension to the first study lesson, extra study lessons or Alexander Technique sessions.
The basic Jazz Course fee includes a 40 minute jazz first study lesson and 30 minute classical extra study lesson on the same instrument, as well as all classes and ensembles.
The String Training Programme basic course fee includes a 20-minute first study lesson (Year 2) or a 30-minute first study lesson (Years 3 to 6) and the Kodály, Rhythmics and Ensemble Classes. It does not include extensions to the first study lesson or any extra study piano lesson.
Annual Junior Guildhall Fees for 2024/25
Accounts relating to course fees are invoiced annually and are payable in three equal termly instalments.
Music Course |
Basic Course Fee* | £4,050 |
Extra Study (per 20-minute unit) | £900 |
Alexander Technique (Individual Session) | £615 |
Alexander Technique (Group Session) | £435 |
Consultation Lesson Fee (per Hour) | £80 |
Audition Fee | £40 |
*The Music Course basic course fee includes a 40 minute first study lesson, a Musical Awareness class, and ensembles. A range of additional musical workshop activities are offered at no extra cost subject to availability. This does not include extension to the first study lesson, extra study lessons or Alexander Technique sessions.
Jazz Course |
Basic Course Fee | £4,620 |
Extra Study (per 20-minute unit) | £900 |
Alexander Technique (Individual Session) | £615 |
Alexander Technique (Group Session) | £435 |
Consultation Lesson Fee (per Hour) | £80 |
Audition Fee | £40 |
*The basic Jazz Course fee includes a 40 minute jazz first study lesson and 30 minute classical extra study lesson on the same instrument, as well as all classes and ensembles.
Brass & String Training Programmes (BTP & STP) |
Basic Course Fee* | £2,310 |
Extra Study (per 20-minute unit) | £900 |
Consultation Lesson Fee (per Hour) | £80 |
Audition Fee | £40 |
*The String Training Programme basic course fee includes a 20-minute first study lesson (Year 2) or a 30-minute first study lesson (Years 3 to 6) and the Kodály, Rhythmics and Ensemble Classes. It does not include extensions to the first study lesson or any extra study piano lesson.
Kindergarten Course |
Course Fee | £790 |
Application Fee | £10 |
Drama Course |
Drama A: Single Class | £780 |
Drama A: Double Class | £1,080 |
Drama: Advanced Class | £1,500 |
Audition Fee | £40 |