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Hassan Najib
Key details:
- Department:
- Drama
- Year of Graduation:
- 2020-21
Height 6′0″
Eyes Brown
Hair Black
Nationality British
Natural accent London (MLE)
Productions at Guildhall
Matvey Gogin in Barbarians (dir. Oliver Dimsdale & Victoria Moseley)
Razer/Shopkeeper in Gone Too Far! (dir. Tristan Fynn-Aiduenu)
Jay/Muhammed Ali in All Your Houses (dir. Barrel Organ)
Bute Street (written/dir. Hassan Najib)
Oberon/Starveling in A Midsummer Night's Dream (dir. Suba Das)
Projects at Guildhall
Jason in Medea (dir. Patsy Rodenburg)
Chorus in Agamemnon (dir. Patsy Rodenburg)
Richard III/Tyrrel in Richard III (dir. Patsy Rodenburg)
Katurian in The Pillowman (dir. Titas Halder)
Mr Mushnik in Little Shop of Horrors (dir. Martin Connor)
Billy in Herons (dir. Wyn Jones & Annemette Verspeak)
Garry in Present Laughter (dir. Wyn Jones & Annemette Verspeak)
Razor in Devised Restoration Project (dir. Richard Katz & Noa Wagner)
Trofimov in The Cherry Orchard (dir. Sue Lefton)
Shaun in False Flag (dir. Nathaniel Martello-White)
Professional Experience
Mory in Warheads (dir. Toby Clarke), Park Theatre, Olivier Award Nomination for Outstanding Achievement in Affiliate Theatre 2020
Other Experience
National Youth Theatre/ National Youth Theatre Playing Up
Open Door
Strong singer (Tenor)
Bilingual: English and Somali
Very good ear for accents
Show dance, Period dance
Acrobatics, Stage combat
Voice Reels
Voice Reel - Commercial
Voice Reel - Narrative
Guildhall Scholar
Shifty by Eran Creevy