Key details:

Production Arts
Year of Graduation:
Aleyna Feran profile picture


Aleyna Feran CV.pdf
What's been your highlight during your time at Guildhall?

My highlight was having an opportunity to work on a variety of different projects throughout these past few years. From small exhibitions to large triple opera bills, I’ve been able to take part in many different projects, which has really helped with gaining experience and seeing all the different aspects of the industry.

What's something you've learned that you feel will help you when you graduate?

Something I’ve learned which had surprised me a bit at first was how helpful people in the industry can be, even when they gain nothing in return. From project to project there have been occasions where I need advice or an extra hand, and though I was nervous asking for help at first, people have always been more than willing to lend a helping hand. Whether it be freelancers or other members of the team, they love what they do and are more than happy to give out advice when needed and I’m hoping in time I can return the favour to those who will be where I am now.

What are you most interested in working in after you graduate?

I’m interested in taking as many opportunities as I can, whether it be in theatre, film or TV. I am fortunate to have a wide range of skills which allows me to take part in a variety of projects and I’m hoping to continue working on improving them. I do hope to continue expanding on my interest of cultural theatre and performances which I have had since I was young.