Current postgraduate researchers

Chris Allard

Chris Allard

An investigation into the techniques and devices of contemporary jazz guitar

This project investigates  the techniques and devices of contemporary jazz guitar stylists Kurt Rosenwinkel, Wolfgang Muthspiel, Julian Lage and Jesse Van Ruller. Chris is supervised by Dr Paul Newland and Malcolm Miles.

Chris is a member of staff teaching in the Jazz department.

Andy Asante

Andy Asante

The new sound of Jazz

This project explores the influence of African rhythm on 21st Century American jazz. Andy is supervised by Dr Richard Baker and Robert Mitchell

Beatrice Baumgartner-Cohen

Beatrice Baumgartner-Cohen

Drawing in and on Guildhall: what happens when I take my practice of live graphic recording out of its commercial context?

Beatrice is trying to find out what happens when you move the practice of Live Graphic Recording from a commercial context into the world of collaborative theatre and back again. Beatrice is supervised by Emily Orley and Susannah Henry.

Olivia Bell

Olivia Bell

‘Making it real’: the role of the librettist in the creation of verbatim opera.

An exploration into the uses of verbatim text in operatic performance, positioning the librettist as mediator, collector and co-curator. The project also looks at the ethical implications of using verbatim material, including from marginalised communities and as trauma writing, and the ongoing relationships between writer, subject, composer and performer.

Margarida Castro

Margarida Castro

Towards fearless elite music performance training

Drawing on Psychological Safety research from fields like organisational and elite sports psychology, Margarida is studying how a climate of candor and interpersonal risk-taking is best applied and fostered within elite music performance training for optimal learning and performance. Margarida is supervised by Dr Karen Wise and Sophia Jowett.

Jo Chard

Jo Chard

Shifting power: democracy in cultural organisations

This project will explore the practice and impact of developing community-based decision making models by researching community and activist organising methods, and transposing these approaches into cultural organisations as higher forms of governance. It will also examine the barriers that exist in creating non-hierarchical decision-making models within the UK's economic, political and funding landscape, and aim to provide frameworks and tools that could improve the establishment of more democratic approaches. Jo is supervised by Dr Simon Bayly and Dr Toby Young.
Amanda Collins

Amanda Collins

Adaptability and Transition of the Newly Qualified Music Therapist: Tools, Tea and Therapy

Amanda's research focuses on the newly qualified music therapist and their transition into professional life. Amanda is supervised by Dr Kate Jones and Donald Wetherick.
Amy Crankshaw

Amy Crankshaw

Earth music: exploring ways to integrate experiences of physical natural environments and their materialities with composition practices. 

Amy's research explores ways to musicalise physical experiences of naturally occurring materialities, phenomena, and environments through the practice of music composition. Amy is supervised by Prof Julian Philips, Dr Hollie Harding and Nell Catchpole.

Robert Crehan

Robert Crehan

Amateurism and Post-Disciplinary Practices in Music Composition.

This project looks at how approaches to music composition vary between 'amateur' and 'professional' composers, and what techniques, aesthetics, or concepts are gained or lost through learning and experience.