Guildhall Young Artists King's Cross Application Form

Apply for GYA King's Cross

GYA - Apply to Guildhall Young Artists King's Cross

We are now taking applications to join GYA King's Cross when our new academic year begins in September 2024.

Please use this application form to apply for any of the courses shown on the Guildhall School website.

On receipt of your application a friendly member of our team will be in touch to confirm your place. Please note that the office is closed during school holidays.

We look forward to welcoming you to Guildhall Young Artists (GYA) King's Cross soon.

If you have any queries regarding this form please email

Fields marked with an * are required.

Important Information

If you are 18 or over, you can complete this form yourself.

If you are 16 or 17, you can complete this form yourself, but must provide the contact details of a parent or carer who can provide permission for you to do so.

If you are aged 15 and under, a parent or carer must complete the form on your behalf.

Applicant Details

Are you
Please confirm
If you would also like to receive emails about your application and other relevant GYA Taunton information, please specify your email address below.

Address Details

Parent/Carer Details

The email address provided will be used to acknowledge receipt of this application form and to send other relevant information.
If you would also like to receive emails about your application and other relevant GYA King's Cross information, please specify your email address below.

Emergency Contact

In case of an emergency, GYA King's Cross should contact
Relationship to applicant
If the person above is unavailable, GYA King's Cross should contact:
Relationship to applicant

Billing Details

Same as address details?

Financial Support

We are able to offer bursaries for students on our Saturday Courses, except Creativity Starts Here. Please refer to our finance and funding page for more information regarding eligibility.
Please select

Saturday Courses

Sign the applicant up to the following courses (please select all that apply):

Beginners Music and Drama Course for 5–7 years
Music and Drama Discovery Courses for 7–11 years
Music Course for 11–18 years
Drama Course for 11–18 years
Music & Drama Course for 11–18 years
Production Arts Course for 14–18 years
I am interested in the following add-on classes:

One-to One Lessons

I am interested in the following one-to-one lessons (please tick all that apply):

One-to-one music lessons are currently available for students age 7–18 and one-to-one acting lessons are available for students age 14+.  Please note, one-to-one lessons must be taken in conjunction with a course.
One to one lessons

The Applicant's Instrument(s)*

*Saturday Music Course applicants age 11-18 only
No experience is required to sign up to GYA King's Cross Saturday Courses. This answer will be used to ensure that the applicant is given a bespoke timetable based on their interests and experience. If this is not applicable, please leave the field blank.

The Applicant's Experience

Please specify the length of time that the applicant has been studying music and/or drama, as well as the latest grade taken, or approx. standard (if applicable).

No experience is required to sign up to GYA King's Cross. This answer will be used to ensure that the applicant is given a bespoke timetable based on their interests and experience.  

Stay in touch

We would love to contact you with the latest news and updates at GYA King's Cross and Guildhall Young Artists. If you would like to be added to our mailing list, please enter your email address below. You can unsubscribe at anytime.
We would love to know how you heard about us
Please select all that apply

Parental/Carer Permission

Do you give your permission for your child to leave unaccompanied at the end of the session or will they be collected?

Photography/Video Footage Consent Form

This is a consent form for photographs and video footage of you/your child/young person in your care, to be used for Guildhall School promotional purposes as stated in this form.
Guildhall School is a department of the City of London Corporation (“the City of London”) and the City of London is the data controller for the processing of your personal data. The City of London’s privacy notice which explains how the City uses your data can be found at To see Guildhall Schools privacy notice please go to
To comply with data protection legislation, we need written consent for us to use image(s) or video footage for yourself/your child/young person in your care as specified.
Conditions of image and video footage use:
• Consent will be valid for three years. After three years we will either obtain consent from you again or delete the image(s) and/or video footage from our system. If you wish to withdraw your consent at any time, please contact
• I understand that I have the right to withdraw consent at any time, but understand that withdrawing consent may not affect the material that has already been used.
• We will never disclose personal information of any child or young person, unless we are required to in order to comply with a legal duty.
• Please note that websites can be seen throughout the world, and not just in the United Kingdom where UK law applies.
• Images/video footage will be the property of Guildhall School and City of London, but the marketing materials specified below may be shared with external audiences, which includes (but is not limited to) schools and businesses eg. shops and cafés. 
• By giving your consent you also agree for us to share the images/video footage with event organisers or organisations for which Guildhall School and City of London has a partnership agreement with (for example, a concert venue where students are performing). Whilst we will never share images/video footage with any third parties outside of these organisations, we cannot control what happens once images/video footage is in the public domain.
• Please note that by giving your consent, your image(s)/video footage may be shared with Guildhall’s under 18’s department – Guildhall Young Artists (GYA), which includes online centre GYA Online and a number of performing arts centres across the country. Centre’s are based in London, Norwich, and Taunton.
• As City of London is the data controller for the school, images and video footage may be shared in City of London publications
Digital communications e.g. flyers, email newsletters and website
Press e.g. newspapers, magazines, websites (online and in print)
Can we include a first name and age to accompany the image(s)/video footage in the marketing materials specified?
I have read and understood these conditions of use and give my consent for Guildhall School to use and retain the image(s) and/or video footage stated above

Terms & Conditions

GYA King’s Cross Terms & Conditions are set out in our Parent/Carer Agreement here. Please read carefully before submitting this application


How we use your data

Guildhall School is a department of the City of London Corporation (“the City of London”) and the City of London is the data controller. The City of London’s privacy notice which explains how the City uses your data can be found at Where there are activities unique to Guildhall School these are covered in more detail by the School’s Privacy Notice and the Guildhall Young Artists Privacy Notice. By completing this form you are allowing Guildhall School to collect, process or use personal data in order to provide a service to you. If you have any concerns or questions about how the School looks after your personal information please contact the School’s Head of Business Systems and Data in the first instance at You can also contact the City of London’s Data Protection Officer at

By submitting this form you are allowing Guildhall School to collect, process or use their personal data given, in order to provide a service to you. If you are 16 or 17, you must have permission from a parent or carer to complete this form. If you are under 16, a parent or carer must complete this form on your behalf.

Equal Opportunities Form

Equality Information
There are options to refuse information if you do not wish to provide it, however the information you provide will help us to monitor and develop our provision for students so we would appreciate your assistance. To comply with statutory and Government requirements, data may be disclosed to external agencies including the Department for Education.
Applicant Disability/Long Term Medical Condition

If the applicant has any special requirements due to a disability or long term medical condition please let us know the full details below so we can try and offer facilities which meet their needs.

Data will be used to help evaluate our service and plan for future provision and also to prompt us to contact you with advice and support.

If you prefer to discuss this in confidence, please email the Head of Centre at

Do you consider the applicant to have a disability or long-term medical condition?