Key details:

Year of Graduation:
Kaya Ulasli Headshot
Photo by Harry Livingstone


Height 6’0”
Eyes Brown
Hair Brown

Nationality British-Turkish Dual National
Natural accent Midlands Leicester

Productions at Guildhall

Brocklehurst/Ensemble in Jane Eyre (dir. Victoria Moseley)
Antipholus of Ephesus in The Comedy of Errors (dir. Paul Foster)
Backseat Left/Tarq in Protest (dir. Helen Iley)
Sam in The Flick (dir. Breman Rajkumar)
Vince/Darren in Days of Significance (dir. Monique Touko)

Projects at Guildhall 

Pentheus in The Bacchae (dir. Patsy Rodenburg)
The Young Man in A Respectable Wedding (dir. Katie Bonna)
Freddie in The Talented Mr Ripley (dir. Henry Blake)
Lonely Larry in Paper Doll (written/dir. Kaya Ulaşli)
Lab/Message/Schizophrenic/Shrink/Earthquake/Fate in Love and Information (dir. Breman Rajkumar)
Ilya in The Seagull (dir. Lyndsey Turner)
Danny in Motortown (dir. Ola Ince)

Other Experience

National Youth Theatre 
Member of Open Door 
Member of The Performers Playground 


Strong singer (Baritone)
Guitar (basic)
Turkish Language (fluent)
American Football (intermediate)
Full UK driving licence

Show Reels

Voice Reels

Voice Reel - Commercial

Voice Reel - Narrative

Voice Reel - Drama




Noël Coward Foundation Scholarship

Guildhall Scholar