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Maximus Evans
Key details:
- Department:
- Drama
- Year of Graduation:
- 2023-24

Height 6’1”
Eyes Green
Hair Dark Brown
Nationality British
Natural accent Mancunian
Productions at Guildhall
Coachman/Lawyer/Ensemble in Jane Eyre (dir. Victoria Moseley)
Antipholus of Syracuse in The Comedy of Errors (dir. Paul Foster)
Ben in Fireworks (dir. Helen Iley)
Ben in What We're Up Against (dir. Breman Rajkumar)
Lenny in Days of Significance (dir. Monique Touko)
Projects at Guildhall
Pentheus in The Bacchae (dir. Patsy Rodenburg)
Biedermann in The Fire Raisers (dir. Titas Halder)
Daniel in Time (dir. Morgan Watkins)
Jackie Brown in The Manchester Express (written/dir. Maximus Evans)
A in Crave (dir. Topher Campbell)
Pyotr Sorin in The Seagull (dir. Lyndsey Turner)
The Director in The Writer (dir. Kirsty Housley)
Professional Experience
Corey in Coronation Street (Dir. Various) ITV
Jock in Dick Barton (Dir. Rachel Lawrence) Edinburgh Fringe Festival
Wilko in The Bay (Dir. Lee Haven-Jones) ITV
Fitzy in Creeped Out (Dir. Steven Hughes) BBC
Other Experience
Arthur Seaton in Saturday Night and Sunday Morning (Dir. Rachel Brogan) The Television Workshop
Best Villain, ITV British Soap Awards 2022
Prize Winner of The Association of English Speech and Song 2023
Research and Development, ALMA (Dir. Matthew Dunster)
Strong Singer (Baritone)
Training in Stage Combat
Training in Motion Capture
Show Reels

Voice Reels
Voice Reel - Commercial
Voice Reel - Narrative
Voice Reel - Drama
Ginny Award