Key details:

Production Arts
Year of Graduation:
Abbie-Hardcastle Profile-Photo (David Monteith-Hodge)
Photo by David Monteith-Hodge


Abbie Hardcastle CV.pdf
What's been your highlight during your time at Guildhall?

Creating a prosthetic severed head for Macbeth is my highlight of Guildhall so far, Being able to experience the making process from start to finish and be proud of the end result made my confidence as a maker grow enormously, my favourite part of the process was the support I received from my peers throughout and when I delivered the finished prop to rehearsals, everyone was very excited to see the end result and congratulated me on how similar the face head was to the actor. 

What's been your highlight in the industry?

My highlight in the industry so far has been how welcome I have been made to feel, each job I go to is different in many ways, but the people are always kind-hearted and willing to share their knowledge and expertise, I hope one day to be that person for someone in my current position.

What's something you've learned that you feel will help you when you graduate?

While at Guildhall I feel like I am constantly developing as a person and as a maker, I learn new skills everyday here, I am particularly grateful for how often we work in teams, which are always changing, by changing who I work with I have the opportunity to develop new teamwork skills, adapting and understanding how everyone works differently and finding where I fit best in each group.

What are you most interested in working in after you graduate?

I am most interested in working in Scenic art or Prop departments across the various industry's available to me Film, Theatre and Opera, Live Events, TV, Art Galleries as well as Theme Parks. I also have a particular interest in SFX Prop Making.

Visit Abbie's Instagram