Key details:

Production Arts
Year of Graduation:
Nicholas Dyne profile photo


Nick Dyne CV
What's been your highlight during your time at Guildhall?

I would say working on Opera 2 Dead Man Walking has been my biggest highlight at Guildhall. I was lucky enough to work in the Technical Management Department in a relatively complicated show which involved a very large fly’s plot and automation. This was especially enjoyable for me as I would like to work in the Technical Management department in my third year and career after Guildhall.

What other passions and projects have you enjoyed exploring during your time at Guildhall?

On Autumn Opera Scenes 2022 I produced a Sound Design which I thoroughly enjoyed doing. I had to create an industrial style soundscape to enhance the atmosphere that was used at the start and end of the show and between the scenes during scene changes. I liked the freedom I had when creating the design and was able to try lots of different ideas. I was also able to spend six weeks in construction which was really interesting to see a department outside of Theatre Technology and see how they work during the build phase and then Fit Up.

What's something you've learned that you feel will help you when you graduate?

Guildhall has definitely shown me how important it is to look at the bigger picture when working on a project and talk to other departments about how things you are doing will affect them. I have also learnt how important time management is and ensuring you can be as productive as possible in the time you have.

What are you most interested in working in after you graduate?

After I have graduated, I would like to become a rigger and continue developing my knowledge and understand of all aspects of rigging. Long term I feel I would like to move towards the Live Event industry and continue my rigging career there.

Projects Master Hanging Plot.pdf
Yerma Rigging Equipment.pdf
Moving Screens Cue List.pdf Moving Screens Cue List
Example of work - Dead Man Walking Flys 2 Plot (Nicholas Dyne).pdf