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Presentations at the 7th annual SIMMposium
Presentations at the 7th annual SIMMposium

SIMMposium - translated transcripts (ENG to ESP)
Spanish translation of the "Setting the Scene" presentation above
Music for Social Impact - Setting the scene.pdf
Spanish translation of the "A Portfolio or a Protean Career Path?" presentation above
A Portfolio or a Protean Career Path - Musician’s work values in social practice in the context of Finland.pdf
Spanish translation of the "Being Close Without Being Close" presentation above
'Being Close Without Being Close' - Affective challenges in participatory music projects.pdf
Spanish translation of the "Pathways to Effective and Ethical Practice" presentation above
Pathways to effective and ethical practice - Perspectives from musicians that lead participatory music-making activities in the UK.pdf
Spanish translation of the "Social Action and Decolonisation Through Music in Colombia" presentation above
Social Action and Decolonisation Through Music in Colombia - Collective practices, narratives of equality and the armed conflict.pdf
Spanish translation of the "Experiences of Diversity to Challenge Cultural Hegemonies" presentation above
Experiences of Diversity to Challenge Cultural Hegemonies.pdf
Spanish translation of the "Activists, Leaders, Artists, Educators?" presentation above
Activists, Leaders, Artists, Educators - Music and social transformation in Colombia.pdf
Spanish translation of the "Disrupting and Reclaiming" presentation above
Disrupting and Reclaiming - Qualities and sensibilities of participatory practice for musicians in Belgium, Colombia, Finland and the UK ES.pdf
Other public presentations