Key details:

Production Arts
Year of Graduation:
Alec Schneider profile photo (Photographise - David Monteith-Hodge)
Photo by Photographise (David Monteith-Hodge)


Alec Schneider CV.pdf
What's been your highlight during your time at Guildhall?

My highlights during my time at Guildhall has been working with the professional directors and designers who have come in to work on the shows. It's been amazing to work with them and learn from them. It's been a priviledge to be able to experience this and I hope to take what I've learnt with me into the future.

What are you most interested in working in after you graduate?

After I graduate, I would love to go into circus. In any capacity but mainly in the form of a Stage Management role within circus. I will also be open to performing onstage as well as being involved backstage. I am highly interested in working with companies like extraordinary bodice when I graduate.  

Example of work - Drama 1 Running List (Alec Schneider).pdf
Example of work - Opera 3 Running List (Alec Schneider).pdf
Example of work - 16th Century Prop Shortsword (Alec Schneider).pdf
Example of work - MACBETH Weapons Ent+Ext (Alec Schneider).pdf
Example of work - The Welkin buget (Alec Schneider).pdf
Example of work - Prop Knife Makes (Alec Schneider).pdf